UCiC exists to guide students' growth knowledge, wisdom, and stature, and in favor with God and man. 


How to Install UCIC android App from Play Store-

  1. Open Google PlayStore on your mobile device
  2. Search “UCIC School”
  3. Click on Top”UCIC” app with the proper logo as below image and install it.
  4. UCIC app is installed successfully.


How to Install UCIC IOS App from App Store

  1. Open IOS App Store on your mobile device
  2. Search “UCIC School”
  3. Click on Top”UCIC” with the proper logo as below and install it.
  4. UCIC app is installed successfully.

How to create a password by clicking on Forgot password

  1. Open UCIC mobile application
  2. Click on Forgot your password
  3. Enter your registered email address
  4. Click on Reset Password
  5. A reset password link will be sent to your email (Please use the same email you used when registering for UCiC school) enrollment)
  6. Please open your email inbox (Please check SPAM folder as well)
  7. Click on the link to redirect you to the application
  8. Create a new password from there
  9. Click on Reset Password
  10. Now you have successfully created your new password


How to Login

  1. Open mobile application
  2. Enter your email (Please use your email used when UCiC student enrollment)
  3. Enter password
  4. Click on the Sign-In button
  5. Now You will be logged in successfully

Note: You don’t have to register but just log in using your email as username and password


How to locate their kids after login

  1. Open mobile application
  2. Enter your email
  3. Enter password
  4. Click on the Sign In button
  5. Click on Check-In or Check Out button to see kids’ details
  6. You can also check Kids details by clicking on Menu->Profile


How to Open QR Code and Check-In /Check-Out

In order to open the QR code/ Check-In, Please follow the below steps-

  1. First, log in as Parent/Guardians on Web or Mobile, or Tablet
  2. Click on the Check-In button
  3. Then click on the kid’s name
  4. Now you can see the QR code
  5. Scan the Kids QR Code for Check In
  6. Once Check In is successfully completed, you will see the confirmation like “Student-Name[XYZ] has check-in”

In order to open the QR code/ Check-Out, Please follow the below steps-

  1. First, log in as Parent/Guardians on Web or Mobile or Tablet
  2. Click on the Check-Out button
  3. Then click on the kid’s name
  4. Now you can see the QR code
  5. Scan the Kids QR Code for Check Out
  6. Once Check-Out is successfully completed, you will see the confirmation like “Student-Name[XYZ] has checked out”