UCiC exists to guide students' growth knowledge, wisdom, and stature, and in favor with God and man.
UCiC exists to guide students' growth knowledge, wisdom, and stature, and in favor with God and man.
Enrollment in any class includes payment of fees and the completion of the following forms: Registration, Health, Immunization, Tuition Agreement and Food Preference.
It is essential that information on each student (phone number, addresses, authorized pick-up) be kept up to date at all times. That also includes immunization records, and information on allergies or medical concerns.
Every child must be checked in and checked out through our App system each day they are in attendance. No child will be admitted or released without the assigned QR code.
Parents must identify any and all persons who are authorized to pick up their child in writing on the registration form.
In case of an emergency, an administrator can release a child only to a person with a written note from the parent that is confirmed with a telephone call. The person picking up your child must have valid identification.
State law prohibits us to release a child to anyone who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Morning and afternoon snacks are provided by the school. As required by the WAC 170-295-3160(4) our snacks must consist of at least two of the following: a milk product, a meat product or meat alternative, a grain product, a fruit or vegetable (or 100% fruit or vegetable juice).
Parents/Guardians need to provide food for children with a special food diet or that have preferences other than the food that is provided by the school.
A monthly menu will be provided to the parents/guardians so they can supplement food for those on a special diet.
The supplemented meal must meet the above-written state regulations or a note from a doctor stating that your child’s menu should not follow those guidelines.
If you bring food from home for the class the WAC 170-295-3160(C6) limits what can be brought. It must be store-purchased, uncut fruits & vegetables, and foods prepackaged in original manufacturer’s containers.
First Aid will be administered to a child needing care. Each accident will be recorded. Parents will be given a copy of this report and the school will maintain a copy. Serious accidents will be reported to the Department of Social and Health Services (D.S.H.S.)
For the protection of all children in the school, we request that children not be brought to school when they are ill. Your child should be kept at home for 48 hours (2 school days) AND until symptoms have cleared or you will be contacted to take your child home if he/she has the following:
If a child becomes ill or is injured at school and we feel the child needs to go home or have medical attention, a parent or person designated will be notified, and the child will be removed from other children and made comfortable until a parent (or someone they specify) comes to take them. In the case of a serious injury, we will notify 911.
Certain communicable diseases must be reported to the health department (and DSHS- division of health for daycare students). If your child has measles, mumps, chicken pox, pertussis, etc., please notify the office so they can determine if the child’s doctor has reported it, or do so if necessary.
A careful listing of all students’ allergies (from a parent or physician) should be given to the classroom teacher or office staff. In cases of severe food allergies, parents are asked to bring in appropriate snack food for their child and fill out an additional form instructing staff of special care.
Medications must be stored in their original container. The container must be labeled with the child’s name and date of purchase or expiration date and instructions for administration. Medications shall be disbursed only on the written approval of a parent or guardian. Medication shall be disbursed only as specified on the prescription label or as otherwise authorized by a physician.
Parents must fill out a MEDICATION PERMISSION SLIP. The medication will be secured away from children or refrigerated in a child-proof box if necessary.
The following non-prescription medications can be given with parent authorization, as specified on the manufacturer’s label: antihistamines; non-aspirin fever/pain reducers/pain relievers; non-narcotic cough suppressants; decongestants; anti-itching ointments or lotions; diaper ointments and powders; as well as sunscreen.
Parents and children entering school for the first time may initially have difficulty with separation. Our staff is equipped to work with you and your child during this time to ease any anxieties. We will work together on a plan that will make this time as smooth as possible.
If a child’s schedule is changing substantially or there is a need to withdraw the child from school, parents must give written notice of the change. Written withdrawal notice must be turned in to the office two weeks prior to the withdrawal date.
School supplies and learning materials for our early childhood department are provided by the school, but there are a number of things which the children will need to bring with them. The following items should be clearly labeled. We ask to please put clothing in a large Ziplock bag with the child’s name on it. Personal belongings not listed below should be kept at home.
Teachers are encouraged to take students on field trips for fun and particularly as a supplement to the curriculum. A “Field Trip Permission Slip” will be sent home prior to a field trip and must be returned with parental signature in order for the child to participate.