UCiC exists to guide students' growth knowledge, wisdom, and stature, and in favor with God and man.
UCiC exists to guide students' growth knowledge, wisdom, and stature, and in favor with God and man.
Home of Eagles
UCiC Christian School is a Washington state approved private school and a member of the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). Our program currently includes self-contained classrooms for Kindergarten (3 classes) through 5th grade (1 class). We are making preparations to grow into a fully accredited K-12 private Christian school in the next several years.
We have three specific objectives for our students:
Inspire our students to own their learning and pursue it with excellence.
Discover who God has created our students to be, and help each student begin to see it as well, so they can pursue His plan with joy.
Reveal the wonder and teach the appreciation of our world and the people in it; so each student can serve the world with humility and the skills of a competent leader.
To accomplish these objectives, we are committed to this plan of action:
Hiring, developing and supporting one of the best teaching teams in the Northwest. All of our teachers are followers of Christ, actively worshipping and serving in our area. They are credentialed professionals and most have their Masters in Education. All are pursuing professional development in the latest learning theory.
Creating and delivering a unique learning experience (curriculum) unparalleled in the Northwest. We believe that the Bible is the true foundation of knowledge, and we use this as the beginning of all of our curriculum development. We begin with materials from Abeka, NJU Press, ACSI and other Christian curriculum developers. At the same time, we believe in the importance of research-based learning approaches of secular curriculum developers such as FOSS science kits, McGraw Hill’s Math Expressions program & Engage New York math. Our goal is to provide excellent instruction within our curriculum, that will draw students to the truth of Jesus Christ, while preparing them for a full range of career paths. Top university experiences, technical careers, entrepreneurial opportunities, or a life in active ministry are options for which we are preparing our students.
Creating self-motivated and engaged learners. We acknowledge that no child will ever learn unless they want to. We believe in helping students discover their Learning Profile. What are their strengths? How does their personality impact their learning? We believe that when a child understands who they are and how they learn, they will want to learn. They will understand that the brain is like a muscle and must be exercised, challenged, trained and prepared in order to overcome obstacles. This Learning Profile follows each student all the way through their UCiC career, as we add new insights about that student’s learning abilities.
Each student’s need at each student’s speed.